August 25, 2021 | Uncategorized |

Recap: How FUSION began

Due to COVID, the first FUSION partner meeting had to happen online. Nevertheless, the partners made the best out of it – with lots of information and a Spotify playlist.

By Fine Stammnitz

Because meeting up in real life was not possible in June 2021, the pan-European FUSION project team moved to an online format for talking and exchanging ideas.

On the first online partner meeting, Con Bartels (Momentum) and Ian Sayerslan (Canice Consulting) were introduced and welcomed as new members of the team. Project Lead Holger Jan Schmidt (Take a Stand/Delta1) held a detailed presentation with a lot of specifications about the project including hard facts on the funding program, national agency, partners, objectives, target groups and of course numbers.

The team discussed how to make the Intellectual Outputs (the “end products” of the project, so to say) both lively and tangible and started spinning first ideas on how to make everything attractive for young people without excluding anyone.

And because we are talking about music all the time, a shared playlist was created with the favourite ‘summer songs’ of all partners, which brought a lot of fun and created some team spirit moments for the team – even through the screens! We discovered the guilty pleasures of some colleagues 🙂

If you want to join us in dancing until the Intellectual Outputs are ready, click here: